Sunday, December 22, 2013

וארא voera

  1. 1

    וארא מעשה נסים Won the Lotto and turns instantly a wealthy person

    by Easy Rashi 109 views
    Question: You win the Lotto and turn instantly into a wealthy person, Can you use the treasures for your own pleasures, or only to repay the debt you owe to your creditors and the remainder goes for charity?! Think it ov
  2. 2

    Who needs Moshiach now?

    by Easy Rashi 49 views
    Imrey Chaim
    The Magid of Chernobi…
  3. 3

    כישוף שדים לפני עיור Black Magic, Demons Egyptians

    by Easy Rashi 566 views
    Difference between Black Magic and Demons…
  4. 4

    Snow in chernobil

    by Easy Rashi 164 views
    Story about Borod ברד in Chernobil VOERA וארא
  5. VOERA
    Difference between Black Magic and Demons
    Kanievsky' Mechech Chochma
    The laws of Lifney Iver
    Can you rent a car to a person that wlli violate the shabboth ?
    Can one give food to one that will not bless before and after  the meal?
  6. Imrey Chaim
    The Magid of Chernobil
    והוצאתי אתכם
  7. Difference between Black Magic and Demons
    Kanievsky' Mechech Chochma
    The laws of Lifney Iver
    Can you rent a car to a person that wlli violate the shabboth ?
    Can one give food to one that will not bless before and after the meal?
  8. Story about Borod ברד in Chernobil VOERA וארא

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