Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Parashath Bo פרשת בא

  1. 1

    The largest number of dead in history

    by Easy Rashi 83 views
    night vision like a cat
    מכת חשך כמה מתו…
  2. 2

    What's the bracha on fastening a Mezuzah? פַּתָּח גַנוּב

    by Easy Rashi 373 views
    Boruch Ato Ado-noy Elohe-nu Melech Ho-Olom Asher Kideshonu Bemitzvothaw Wetziwanu Lik-Bo-ah Mezuzoh…
  3. 3

    When exactly is mid night?

    by Easy Rashi 41 views
    How to calculate the exact midnight?
    How accurate did the first born died in Egyp…
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    from year to year

    by Easy Rashi 29 views
    to keep the mitzvah from year to year
    some say tefilli…
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    Tefilin leveled to Heart

    by Easy Rashi 113 views
    Where is the Heart
    this fellow is putting the tefillin too low!…
  6. 6

    Leshem yichud tefilin Anatomy of Tefillin

    by Easy Rashi 327 views
    Tefillin thoughts,
    8 Mitzcoth Aseh…
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    היסח הדעת תפילין part 1

    by Easy Rashi 318 views
    Pilpul on Kavonas Tefilin
  8. 8

    The secrect of the shin of tefilin שם השם נקרא

    by Easy Rashi 316 views
    The secrect of the shin of tefilin
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    ישעיהו נט וַאֲנִי זֹאת בְּרִיתִי אוֹתָם אָמַר יְקֹוָק רוּחִי אֲשֶׁר עָלֶיךָ וּדְבָרַי אֲשֶׁר שַׂמְתִּי בְּפִיךָ לֹא יָמוּשׁוּ מִפִּיךָ וּמִפִּי זַרְ

    The Torah Gene unveiled

    by Easy Rashi 92 views
    וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה אֶל מֹשֶׁה בֹּא אֶל פַּרְעֹה כִּי אֲנִי הִכְבַּדְתִּי אֶת לִבּוֹ וְאֶת לֵב עֲבָדָיו לְמַעַן שִׁתִי אֹתֹתַי אֵלֶּה בְּקִרְבּוֹ:
    ישעיהו נט…
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    Sar Sholom Belz VS his Son

    Correction in the Hagada?

    by Easy Rashi 82 views
    Bikur korban pesach sheni
    The correct nusach Hagad…
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    by Easy Rashi 93 views
    Parashat bo parshas Bo 900 million malachey chabala in Mitzayim
    אני ולא מלא…
  12. 12

    חצות פסח Mid Night Pesach

    by Easy Rashi 54 views
    why are we up until midnight passover?…
  13. 13

    How many trillions the Egyptians owe Israelites for work compensation

    by Easy Rashi 329 views
    How much they owe us?
    work compensation…
    1. 11

      25,12. הלכות תפילין

      by Easy Rashi 38 views
      Mishna Brura Tefilin
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      מדידת היד

      How to measure the mid Humerus bone to the base of the biceps

      by Easy Rashi 170 views
      How to measure the mid Humerus bone to the base of the biceps
    3. 16


      by Easy Rashi 301 views
      responsa concerning tefilin of the hand and the upper half of the biceps (humerus bone)…
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      תפילין של יד

      by Easy Rashi 242 views
      Rav Yisroel Dovid Neishlos
    1. 1

      Leshem yichud tefilin Anatomy of Tefillin

      by Easy Rashi 327 views
      Tefillin thoughts,
      8 Mitzcoth Aseh…
    2. 2

      היסח הדעת תפילין part 1

      by Easy Rashi 318 views
      Pilpul on Kavonas Tefilin
    3. 3

      הסיח הדעת 2

      by Easy Rashi 40 views­-part-1.html
    4. 4

      The secrect of the shin of tefilin שם השם נקרא

      by Easy Rashi 316 views
      The secrect of the shin of tefilin
    5. 5

      תפילין דרשה Sizing the Tefilin

      by Easy Rashi 349 views
      Drasha for Bar Mitzvah on the size of the tefilin and where to place them
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      The cuatoms of the 3 rings of the tefilin

      retzuos finger רצועות התפילין של היד

      by Easy Rashi 3,786 views
      Minhagim on the tefilin shel Yad how to wind
      אחד בפרק אמצעי ושתים בפרק התחתון ואין כורכין בפרק העליון כלום
    7. 7

      How to Tefilin

      by Easy Rashi 4,080 views
      Short presention of How to Tefilin
    8. 8

      Black straps רצועות שחורות

      by Easy Rashi 1,247 views
      Text Black straps retzuos Tefilin both sides
      Rav Mordechai Eliyahu ZTz"L, Rav Abba Shaul ZTz"L, Rav S.Z. Auerbach ZTz"L (and the list goes on) have all written that they are preferable because th…
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      Inside the Tefilin

      by Easy Rashi 721 views
      Inside the Tefilin
    10. 10

      Inside tefilin

      by Easy Rashi 1,643 views
      Inside tefilin
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      Alef Beis Teitelbaum

      alef beis

      by Easy Rashi 66 views
      אליהו טייטלבוים אריה שכטר
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      heart lrvel

      AED - 3D Medical Animation

      by AmerraMedical 19,933 views This animation explains the functionality of an AED an Automated External Defibrillator. An AED is used in cases of life threatening cardiac arrhythmias which lead to cardiac arrest.
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      heart lrvel
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      מדידת היד

      How to measure the mid Humerus bone to the base of the biceps

      by Easy Rashi 170 views
      How to measure the mid Humerus bone to the base of the biceps
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      small tefilin

      שורשים - מזוזה, תפילין וכתובות שעלו מקווקז

      by bohorsoch 3,468 views
      כתובות בכתב עתיק שהשתמשו בו היהודים ההריים ממזרח קווקז.
      מזוזה נדירה מיוחדת מאוד.…
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      How Tefillin, Tefilin Mezuzot Mezuzos are Made

      by ilovetorah 11,573 views
      How Tefillin, Tefilin Mezuzot Mezuzos are Made
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      Mitzion Tefillin Factory

      by mitzion 18,128 views
      watch now how Tefillin are made in the Mitzion Tefillin factory, check out our website to purchase high quality Bar mitzvah 
    18. Tefillin. and you can also find Mezuzot,Seferi Torah Scrolls and megillot.


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